Rocky Overview

"Rocky" is Rock the Vote's web application that provides a web user interface that U.S. citizens can use for assistance in preparing a voter registration application document that is complete and correct for all Federal and state­ specific requirements, and therefore should be accepted in most cases by the election officials to whom the user submits the completed, printed, signed form.

This specification defines an application programming interface that provides exactly the same functions as the Rocky web UI, but intended for a complementary purpose: use by other web applications that have or collect personal info via their own web UI, and which rely on the Rocky back­end for data validation, error reporting (particularly for state­ specific conditions), PDF generation, and data storage. Via this API, Rocky provides a web service to service clients (web applications that use this API to interact with Rocky) that are software operated by Rocky “partner organizations”.

Partner organizations also have access to aggregated data and reporting. These are provided by the Rocky Web UI in two ways partner organization staff can use to obtain statistics and summary information: a CSV file download provides aggregated registration data for all the registrations done via that partner; and a summary web page provides statistics about this partner­specific aggregated data set. This API provides analogous bulk data extraction, with the “partner_registrations” interface that returns the same data as is provided in the web UI CSV file download.

The primary interface is this API is the “registrations” interface, in which callers provide all the personal data needed to create a person’s voter registration application form. Rocky checks the validity of each field, including state­ specific validation rules. If there are errors, Rocky returns to the caller a set of error reporting on individual fields of personal data. If there are no errors, Rocky returns the URL of a PDF file that contains the validated information, properly formatted as a voter registration request form.

This API also includes an optional interface “state_requirements,” used to pre­check the user data based on location and date of birth. One intended use of the pre­check function is for cases where service clients that already know the user’s location, and perhaps also DOB. In such cases, the service client can find out from Rocky whether a user is ineligible, and if so, not even begin the web UI dialogues with the user to obtain personal information. Location ineligibility is the result of states that do not allow voter registration by mail, or do not accept Rocky­generated forms for some other reason. DOB is used to determine age ineligibility in the user’s state.

When the user is not ineligible based on location or DOB, “state_requirements” returns several kinds of state­ specific information that the caller could use as part its web UI with the user ­­ for example, the list of political parties that user can select for affiliation, or an indication that certain fields are optional for the state, or not collected by the state.

Finally, the API includes the “partner_registrations” interface to obtain records of past registration transactions. Like the similar UI in the Rocky Partner Portal, access requires authentication, and the records returned are only those pertinent to the authenticated entity.

Release Notes


The registration submission endpoint (/api/v4/registrations and /api/v4/gregistrations) will now return a validation error if the email address submitted is in our block list.


We will also deprecate old versions (v1, v2, v3) of these APIs shortly and return only an error message.



Added these interfaces:

In addition:

Modified request for:

to allow for all survey question languages.


Added these interfaces:

Since this addition did not modify the existing API, did not rev from v2 to v3.

Status Codes

All successful requests have response status code 200.

All requests with errors stemming from invalid or missing inputs have status code 400.

Response Bodies

All response bodies are JSON dictionaries, with the key/value pairs described

Interface Definitions

All requests and responses are JSON format. All fields are required unless otherwise specified as optional. All string fields have no length or format restrictions, unless specifically stated. Some field values have specific formats; others have parenthesized notations on field values.


Creates a new registrant record using the input parameter data; and also triggers the side effects of a new record, e.g. sending confirmation email.


Most fields are personal information. A few fields merit additional description:

Field Description
partner_id Uniquely identifies a partner organization that uses Rocky as a service for the organization’s members or community. Each transaction is logged by partner_id and every registrant record is tagged by partner_id.
source_tracking_id Used to identify the source of a request. For example, in the Web UI, it is typically used as query parameter embedded in a URL in email messages, and identifies the request as part of a particular email campaign. The string value is un­interpreted, however, and may be used for any similar purpose
partner_tracking_id Similar to source_tracking_id, but intended for use for partner­ specific purposes, such as implementing a leader­board, that may require an a tag in addition to the source_tracking_id.
id_number Typically a state driver’s license number state ID card number, or social security number; length and format vary by state, as does the explanation of what forms of ID are acceptable. However, id_number is not optional. (Note: it is true that some states’ localities will accept NVRA forms without an ID number, for the special case of people with neither state ID or an SSN. However, since we cannot record precisely how each state handles this special case, we require some ID number, to avoid creating registration requests that may be rejected.)
email_address Required by default, even though it is optional for the paper form; however, we need it to contact the user to send them a link to the PDF we generate for them.
opt_in_email Determined by the caller, and simply recorded in the registration record created by the call; the caller can determine whether to always obtain the info from the user, or have a default in the case of no user input. Regardless, the opt_in_email field is required to record true or false for opt­ion, regardless of how the caller determined the user’s preference. This field is used to record a user preference for email from RockTheVote.
opt_in_sms Required in exactly the same way as opt_in_email
opt_in_volunteer Required in exactly the same way as opt_in_email
partner_opt_in_email, partner_opt_in_sms, partner_opt_in_volunteer Used in an analogous way to record user preference for communication with the partner organization.
party Optional because it is not required on the form; however, the allowable values are state specific.
callback Optional parameter that, if present and not empty, changes the return value from JSON format to jsonp; that is, the JSON return value would be a string J, and if the callback parameter’s value is F, then the return value will be F(J);
custom_stop_reminders_url Optional URL string that will be used in a link in reminder emails to registrants to cancel any further reminder emails. If the provided URL includes <UID>, that string will be replaced by the registrant’s UID. If left blank, the default core system stop_reminders URL will be used.
async Specifies whether or not the request should return a response immediately (async=false) or wait for a PDF to be generated (async=true)

Other Notes

Field Type Notes
lang locale­-compatible string Required. Options: (en/es, etc)
partner_id string Required. Series of digits, no specific length
send_confirmation_reminder_emails boolean Required
collect_email_address string Optional. ‘no’ for false
source_tracking_id string Optional
partner_tracking_id string Optional
short_form boolean Optional. Default false
state_ovr_data string Optional. Hash, only used for stats and in cases where registrant went through finish­ with­ state steps but ended up finishing with rock the vote)
created_at datetime Required. ‘mm­dd­yyyy hh:mm:ss’ (for statistics)
updated_at datetime Required. ‘mm­dd­yyyy hh:mm:ss’ (for statistics)
date_of_birth date Required. ‘mm-dd-yyyy’
id_number string Required. Series of alnum, length and format state specific
email_address string Required. RFC syntax
first_registration boolean Required
home_zip_code string Required. ‘zzzzz’ ( 5 digit)
us_citizen boolean Required
has_state_license boolean Required
is_eighteen_or_older boolean Required
name_title string Required. Must be one of “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Miss”, “Ms.”, “Sr.”, “Sra.”, “Srta.”
first_name string Optional
middle_name string Optional
last_name string Required
name_suffix string Optional. Must be one of “Jr.”, “Sr.”, “II”, “III”, “IV”
home_address string Required
home_unit string Optional
home_city string Required
home_state_id string(2) Required
has_mailing_address boolean Required
mailing_address string Req if has_mailing_address
mailing_unit string Optional
mailing_city string Req if has_mailing_address
mailing_state_id string(2) Req if has_mailing_address
mailing_zip_code string Req if has_mailing_address
race string Required/optional is state­ specific
party string Optional. No validation because allowable choices are state specific
phone string Optional
phone_type string Required if phone number is provided. Must be one of “Mobile”, “Home”, “Work”, “Other”, “Movil”, “Casa”, “Trabajo”, “Otro”
change_of_name boolean Required
prev_name_title string Optional
prev_first_name string Optional
prev_middle_name string Optional
prev_last_name string Req if change_of_name
prev_name_suffix string Optional
change_of_address boolean Required
prev_address string Req if change_of_address
prev_unit string Optional
prev_city string Req if change_of_address
prev_state_id string(2) Req if change_of_address
prev_zip_code string Req if change_of_address
opt_in_email boolean Required
opt_in_sms boolean Required
opt_in_volunteer boolean Required
partner_opt_in_email boolean Required
partner_opt_in_sms boolean Required
partner_opt_in_volunteer boolean Required
survey_question_1 string Req if survey_answer_1 is not blank
survey_answer_1 string Optional
survey_question_2 string Req if survey_answer_2 is not blank
survey_answer_2 string Optional
callback string Optional
custom_stop_reminders_url string Optional. URL format
async boolean Optional. Default is “true”

HTTP Request

POST /api/v4/registrations.json

Post JSON dictionary of fields nested under registration

Success Response

Key Value Type Note
pdfurl string URL (for the generated PDF)
uid string UID string


Validation Error

Key Value Type Note
field_name string Field where error occurred
message string Determined by Rocky, for display by caller, in specified lang

Syntax Error

Key Value Type Note
field_name string Name of field that is not defined for this request
message string Value: “Invalid parameter type”

Unsupported language

Key Value Type
message string

Survey Question Error

Key Value Type Note
message string Format: ‘Question N required when Answer N provided’


Creates 1­ or multiple incomplete registrant records. Used for creating data in the core Rocky system for statistics, but does not cause emails to be sent or PDFs to be created. Validations are not performed.


Registration interface definition fields, plus these fields (all required):

Field Type Notes
status string Indicates a step number that the user stopped at
ineligible_non_participating_state boolean Whether the registrant is ineligible due to the state not participating
ineligible_age boolean Whether the registrant is ineligible due to being too young
ineligible_non_citizen boolean Whether the registrant is ineligible due to not being a US citizen
under_18_ok boolean Whether the registrant decided to proceed despite being under 18
remind_when_18 boolean Whether the registrant requested a reminder when 18
age integer Age of registrant
javascript_disabled boolean Whether the user had javascript disabled
using_state_online_registration boolean Whether the user selected to use the state online reg system
finish_with_state boolean Whether the user is in a “finish_with_state” flow

HTTP Request

POST /api/v4/registrations/bulk

Body is JSON list of registration dictionaries combining bulk and normal registration fields


Field Type Notes
abandoned_registrations integer Number of records written

Error Response

If any registrations can’t be saved, status code 400 is returned, with a JSON list of responses for each record that is either an empty hash ({}) if there are no errors for that user, or a dictionary with type, field_name and message if there is an error

Field Type Notes
type string ValidationError, SyntaxError, UnsupportedLanguageError
field_name string Field where error occurred
message string Determined by Rocky, for display by caller, in specified lang


Creates a new registrant record using the input parameter data, for the use case where the user was eligible to finish their registration on a government operated state­ specific web site, chose to be re­directed there, and did not return ­­ presumably because they finished registration on the state’s site.

Differs from registrations only in the following ways:

HTTP Request

POST /api/v4/gregistrations.json

Post a JSON object with key registration and value of a registration object


No body


Unsupported state

Key Value Type
message string

See registrations interface definition errors for other return data definitions.


Same as gregistrations but expects an array of registrant records and returns the number of records created.


Registration interface definition fields, plus these fields (all required):

Field Type Notes
status string Indicates a step number that the user stopped at
created_at string UTC datetime format
updated_at string UTC datetime format

HTTP Request

POST /api/v4/bulk_gregistrations.json

Body is JSON dictionary with a single key, bulk_gregistrations, and value as a list of bulk registration dictionaries, as described above.

Success Response

Body is a dictionary with key bulk_gregistrations, and the value is an integer with the number of records written, which should be the number of registrations posted.


If any registrations have an error, a status code 400 is returned, with a JSON list of responses for each record that is either an empty hash ({}) if there are no errors for that user, or a dictionary with type, field_name and message if there is an error


Returns a list of state for which Rocky current supports per­-state integration with states. There are no input parameters. State return data is the 2 letter code for the state, and the URL to use to send registrant data to the state’s web site.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v4/gregistrationstates.json


Returns status code 200, with both of a dictionary with one key, states, which is a list of dictionaries with two keys: name which is the 2 letter state code, and url which is a string URL.


Checks state eligibility and provides state­ specific fields information

Most input fields are personal information; most output fields are indicated as state specific. A few fields merit additional description:

HTTP Request

GET /api/v4/state_requirements.json

Parameter Type Notes
lang string Required. Locale­ compatible string (en/es, etc)
home_state_id string Required. 2-character state abbreviation
home_zip_code string Required. ‘zzzzz’ 5 digit zip code
date_of_birth string Optional. ‘mm-dd-yyyy’
callback string Optional.

Success response

Key Value Type
requires_race boolean
requires_race_msg string
requires_party boolean
requires_party_msg string
no_party boolean
no_party_msg string
party_list list of strings
id_length_min integer
id_length_max integer
id_number_msg string
sos_address string
sos_phone string
sos_url string
sub_18_msg string


Invalid state ID

Key Value Type
message string

Invalid ZIP code

Key Value Type
message string

Incorrect ZIP code ( ZIP does not match state)

Key Value Type
message string

Non­participating state

Key Value Type Notes
message string State specific

Invalid age

Key Value Type Notes
message string State specific

Unsupported language

Key Value Type
message string

Syntax Error

Key Value Type Notes
message string
field_name string Name of field that is not defined for this request


For a given registration UID, returns true or false to indicate whether the PDF for that registrant exists.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v4/registrations/pdf_read

Returns status of PDF generation for the given registrant

Parameter Type Notes
UID string Required.
callback string Optional.

Success Response

Key Value Type
pdf_ready boolean
UID string


Invalid Partner or API key

Key Value Type
message string

Not Found UID

Key Value Type Notes
field_name string Value: “UID”
message string Value: “Registrant not found”

Syntax Error

Key Value Type Notes
field_name string Name of field that is not defined for this request
message string Value: “Invalid parameter type”


HTTP Request

POST /api/v4/registrations/stop_reminders

For a given registration UID sets reminders_left to 0 to prevent further reminder emails.

Parameter Type Notes
partner_id string Required. Series of digits, no specific length.
partner_API_key string Required. No specific length.
UID string Required.
callback string Optional.


Key Value Type
UID string
first_name string
last_name string
email_address string
reminders_stopped boolean


Invalid Partner or API key

Key Value Type
message string

Not Found UID

Key Value Type Note
field_name string Value: “UID”
message string Value: “Registrant not found”

Syntax Error

Key Value Type Note
field_name string Name of field that is not defined for this request
message string Value: “Invalid parameter type”


For a given partner, checks partner_id (ID in the "partners" table) and corresponding API key, and starts generation of partner­-specific registration records. Partner account was created using Rocky web UI; API key was set then, and can be reset later via admin UI. Optional "email" parameter filters the partner’s registration records, to return only those with an email address that matches the address provided in the parameter. Optional "since" parameter limits returned records to those created after the date­time provided as parameter value; the records include those that were started but not completed, and a noted via the "status" out parameter. The callback parameter is an optional string parameter, exactly as described above.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v4/registrant_reports.json

Returns a status_url to call to check on the report progress. Calls to that URL will return a download_url in the response once the report is complete.

Parameter Type Notes
partner_id string Required, series of digits, no specific length
partner_API_key string Required, no specific length
since string Optional, UTC datetime format
before string Optional, UTC datetime format
email string Optional, email name at domain format
callback string Optional
report_type string Optional. See valid report_type values in table below. Used to indicate an alternate CSV format with added fields.

Valid report_type Values

Value Description
blank Leave blank for report on the online voter registration tool.
extended Alternate CSV format for OVR with added fields.
alert_request_report Pledge to Vote report
abr_report Absentee Ballot Request report
lookup_report Voter Status Lookup report
grommet_registrants_report PA Registration Report (PA App only)
canvassing_shift_report Canvassing Shift Report (PA App only)
grommet_shift_report PA Shift Report (Old versions of PA App only)

"Extended" Report Type Field Definitions

Field Name Description
VR Application Status This is specific to the PA field app. This field indicates the status of a user’s voter registration application with the state.
VR Application Status Details This is specific to the PA field app. This field indicates the details/reason for a user’s voter registration application status.
VR Application Status Imported DateTime This is specific to the PA field app. It indicates when the user's application status was last imported/updated.
Built via API This field indicates that the user’s registration was created as the result of an API call, rather than a session on Rock the Vote’s default web-based user interface. This includes registrations created via the PA field app & via the nationwide Rock the Vote API.
Pre-Registered If a user is not old enough to be fully registered (which will be noted under “Ineligible reason”), but is eligible for pre-registration in their state, this field will indicate whether they completed the pre-registration process.
Has State License This is specific to the PA field app and indicates whether a registrant included a state-issued ID number.
Has SSN This is specific to the PA field app and indicates whether a registrant included the last 4 digits of their SSN.
VR Application Submission Modifications This is specific to the PA field app. This field indicates what, if any, modifications were required to submit a user’s voter registration application.
VR Application Submission Errors This is specific to the PA field app. This field indicates what, if any, errors occurred with a user’s voter registration application.
Submitted Via State API This field is specific to the PA field app and indicates if the registration has or has not been submitted via the State API.
Submitted Signature to State API This field is specific to the PA field app and indicates if the registration has or has not been submitted via the State API.
utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content utm_  source codes that you add to your tool’s URL will be located in these fields.
Other_parameters Indicates parameters added to your base URL not listed above.
Change of Name This indicates whether the registrant says they had changed their name since they last registered to vote. 
Prev Name Title Prev First Name, Prev Middle Name, Prev Last Name, Prev Name Suffix: These fields provide the previous name of the registrant as it was inputted into the OVR tool.
Registration Source This is specific to the PA field app.
Registration Medium This is specific to the PA field app.
Shift ID This is specific to the PA field app.
Blocks Shift ID This is specific to the PA field app.
Over 18 Affirmed This is specific to the PA field app.
Preferred Language This is specific to the PA field app.
State Flow Status This is specific to the PA field app.
State API Transaction ID This is specific to the PA field app.

Success Response

JSON dictionary with details about the report generation

Key Value Type Notes
status string "queued", or other current report status
report_id integer e.g. 17
record_count integer e.g. 2314 total number of records being generated by this report
current_index integer e.g. 100 current index of being processed by the report
status_url string e.g. ""
download_url string may be empty if not complete

report status

For a given partner, checks partner_id (ID in the "partners" table) and corresponding API key, and returns status of previously queued report.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v4/registrant_reports/[ID].json

Returns report record with ID and URL for checking report status

Parameter Type Notes
partner_id string Required, series of digits, no specific length
partner_API_key string Required, no specific length
callback string Optional

Success Response

JSON dictionary with details about the report generation

Key Value Type Notes
status string "queued", or other current report status
report_id integer e.g. 17
record_count integer e.g. 2314 total number of records being generated by this report
current_index integer e.g. 100 current index of being processed by the report
status_url string e.g. ""
download_url string may be empty if not complete. e.g. ""

Error Responses

Invalid Partner or API key

Key Value Type
message string

Syntax Error

Key Value Type Note
field_name string Name of field that is not defined for this request
message string Value: "Invalid parameter type"


Creates a new partner, very similar to partner creation in the Web UI of the partner portal.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v4/partners.json

Post JSON dictionary of fields nested under partner

Parameter Type Notes
org_name string
org_URL string URL format
org_privacy_url string Optional
contact_name string
contact_email string Email address format
contact_phone string 'nnn­nnn­nnnn’ format
contact_address string
contact_city string
contact_state string 2 letter state code)
contact_ZIP string 5 digits, 'nnnnn’
logo_image_URL string URL format)
survey_question_1_[locale] string Where [locale] may be any of the enabled locale codes
survey_question_2_[locale] string Where [locale] may be any of the enabled locale codes
partner_ask_volunteer boolean

Success Response

Key Value Type Notes
partner_id string Series of digits

Error Responses

Syntax Error

Key Value Type Notes
field_name string Name of field that is not defined for this request
message string Value: “Invalid parameter type”


For a given partner, checks partner_id (ID in the “partners” table) and corresponding API key, and returns partner­specific profile records. Partner profile was created using Rocky web UI or API call POST partners. The callback parameter is an optional string parameter, exactly as described above.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v4/partners/[partner_id].json

Parameter Type Notes
partner_id string Required. Series of digits, no specific length.
callback string Optional.

Success Response

Key Value Type Notes
org_name string
org_URL string URL format
org_privacy_url string URL format
contact_name string
contact_email string Email address format
contact_phone string nnn­nnn­nnnn format
contact_address string
contact_city string
contact_state string 2 letter state code
contact_ZIP string nnnnn format
logo_image_URL string URL format
application_css_URL string URL format
registration_css_URL string URL format
parnter_css_URL string URL format
finish_iframe_url string URL format
survey_question_1_[locale] string Where [locale] may be any enabled locale
survey_question_2_[locale] string Where [locale] may be any enabled locale
whitelabeled boolean
rtv_email_opt_in boolean
partner_email_opt_in boolean
rtv_sms_opt_in boolean
partner_sms_opt_in boolean
rtv_ask_email_opt_in boolean
partner_ask_email_opt_in boolean
rtv_ask_sms_opt_in boolean
partner_ask_sms_opt_in boolean
ask_for_volunteers boolean
partner_ask_for_volunteers boolean
external_tracking_snippet string
registration_instructions_url string URL format
application_css_present boolean
application_css_url string URL format
registration_css_present boolean
registration_css_url string URL format
partner_css_present boolean
partner_css_url string URL format
primary boolean

Error Response

Invalid Partner or API key

Key Value Type
message string


For a given partner, checks partner_id (ID in the “partners” table) and corresponding API key, without an API key, and returns the portion of partner­specific profile records that are not private. Intended for unauthenticated access to public information.

Partner profile was created using Rocky web UI or API call POST partners. The callback parameter is an optional string parameter, exactly as described above.

In addition to the return field names above, there are return fields that are aliases for the above, provided for internal use with Rocky. Though present in return data, the alias fields can be ignored by most callers. They are:

Field Alias
organization org_name
url org_URL
privacy_url org_privacy_url
name contact_name
email contact_email
phone contact_phone
address contact_address
city contact_city
state_abbrev contact_state
zip_code contact_ZIP
rtv_email_opt_in rtv_ask_email_opt_in
partner_email_opt_in partner_ask_email_opt_in
rtv_sms_opt_in rtv_ask_email_opt_in
partner_sms_opt_in partner_ask_sms_opt_in

HTTP Request

GET /api/v4/partnerpublicprofiles/[partner_id].json

Parameter Type Notes
partner_id string Required. Series of digits, no specific length.
callback string Optional.

Success Response

Key Value Type Notes
org_name string URL format
org_URL string
org_privacy_url string
logo_image_URL string URL format
survey_question_1 {hash}
survey_question_2 {hash}
whitelabeled boolean
rtv_ask_email_opt_in boolean
partner_ask_email_opt_in boolean
rtv_ask_sms_opt_in boolean
partner_ask_sms_opt_in boolean
rtv_ask_volunteer boolean
partner_ask_volunteer boolean

In addition to the return field names above, there are return fields that are aliases for the above, provided for internal use with Rocky. Though present in return data, the alias fields can be ignored by most callers. They are:

Field Alias
organization org_name
url org_URL
privacy_url org_privacy_url
rtv_email_opt_in rtv_ask_email_opt_in
partner_email_opt_in partner_ask_email_opt_in
rtv_sms_opt_in rtv_ask_email_opt_in
partner_sms_opt_in partner_ask_sms_opt_in

Error Response

Invalid Partner or API key

Key Value Type
message string